This post covers what we currently know about electricity, gas, water and sewerage or septic systems

Electrical Hazard SignThere are electricians available for free electrical safety checks.

The Electrican Trades Union Qld & NT are conducting free safety checks for community clubs, not-for-profit orgs, pensioners, sole parents, and those uninsured.
"Operation Energise is a go! This week, we're sending crews to the Gympie and Bundamba/Goodna regions to assist flood-affected communities.
Call us on 1800 388 937 tomorrow to make an appointment"

The above offer is from 7th-18th March 2022. See their post on Facebook here.

Electri-Coast QLD, based on the sunny coast, is offering free electrical safety tests. Sam  is pretty busy down the coast, he has existing customers in Gympie already and will travel up here but only on set days. Call Sam on 0457 432 484.

You can see their Facebook post here.

The state government have grants in place for safety inspections and repairs:-

  • Inspection: up to $200 towards a safety inspection for each essential service needing reconnection (electricity, gas, water and sewerage or septic system)
  • Repair: up to $4200 towards repair work to enable essential services to be reconnected (for example, electrical rewiring).

These grants are income tested and available for uninsured or unable to claim. The following link on the official website has more information.

If anyone has more information about any other services available, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll post it here.